
July 16, 2012


one of my favourite buildings in Lisboa

December 27, 2011

is the one, the Gemeos from São Paulo did this most amazing graffiti.

Thank you Diogo Alves for showing me this video

and after looking this video, i found this on related videos, and THIS is super cool


Alisson Gothz

November 4, 2011

One of my favourite artists from Brazil


Alisson’s Official Website

My new Favourite Rapper

November 1, 2011


i think he’s about 12


October 29, 2011

I’ve been feeling pretty nostalgic lately. First i started painting and making my own art work, sitckers, preparing some t-shirts, listening to all my teenagethood bands and asking myself how in hell i let my mom throw away all my amazing bands t-shirts and military boots from when i was 13. Funny thing is, this nostalgia feeling ended up bringing up MORE AND MORE NOSTALGIA.

Then, I bought this book a couple of weeks ago, i read about it when it was out, but ended up completely forgetting about it until i got face to face with it last month at Rough Trade. Reading this book and the history of how those girls felt when they were starting, made me connect straight away to the way i felt when i was 12, the only girl in school to like rock, the only girl i knew that played an instrument, and really wanted to find other girls to play with and how hard it was to find people like me. (luckily i found them and they are the best friends ill ever have in my life 🙂 )


Then i remembered my teen time bands. I even remembered how to play one of the songs from one of those bands…. The one called “I want you”… I never imagined what would happen in the week after this.

I posted on facebook about going back to my home town next month, Estrela that used to play drums on the band that made the song called “I want you”, misunderstood my comment as i was moving back there and she just commented: BISCUIT PRIDE REVIVAL.

At the moment i just thought it impossible as im only staying in brazil for mere 5 weeks, but 3 minutes later i thought it could be fun to rehearsal a couple of times and maybe do a gig. But then i thought, we need to convince the rest of the band and i thought that was gonna be harder. But turns out, EVERYONE WAS EXCITED AS I WAS 🙂




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2012 is the year of the GRRRRRRRRRRRRLS!


UPDATE! just a couple of inspirational videos:

this Kathleen Hanna talking about Girls to the Front

and this is Kim Gordon reading the Riot Grrrrl Manifesto on a Kathleen Hanna tribute

Paulo Leminski

October 27, 2011

I already posted one of his poems here but in portuguese

Paulo Leminski is a writer and poet born in my dear hometown Curitiba Paraná Brasil, probably the most talented person to ever come out of this shy quasi-fascist province.

I’ve been looking for some translations in English or French to give it to my husband, but so far i only found compilations of post-modernists brazilian poets.

But,  i ended up stumbling on this website  and there is a bunch of his poems translated into english, and actually, Chris Daniels captured quite well the humour and acidness of Leminski.

here are some of my favourites:


between external duty 
and eternal doubt 
my commercial heart goes
 epitaph for the body 

Here lies a great poet. 
He left nothing written. 
This silence, I suspect, 
Is his complete works. 


epitaph for the soul 
here lies an artist 
master of disasters

 with the intensity of art 
ruined his heart

 god pity
 his disguises


this life’s a trip
 too bad i’m just 
passing through



October 20, 2011

This it the First edition of the best Brazilian Party London will ever witness.

I made this poster for it, but i still couldnt decide in witch colour, so i decided to show you guys all, pick your favourite and let me know!


October 19, 2011

I have never been into drawing, painting , carving until very recently, I had this huge creative block and i was sad and frustrated. I was in Liverpool with my friend Adri and she took me to an art shop. Bought some bits and bobs just for the fun of it.

No, i haven’t found a new talent. I just found a way of re-channeling my creativity, ignoring my frustration (when i can’t get something done the exact way i want, and when i draw i can never get what i picture, i just ignore and have fun with what i’ve got) and feeling happy and proud of myself (eventually) .

So, im gonna start posting (eventually) some of my drawings here.

this is the first one. and it was the first one i’ve started.



hand made, home made DIY stickers

October 17, 2011







Girls Kick Ball For East Africa

October 2, 2011

my team LAS MAMACITAS in on the final tuesday in here.

come and watch, im brining cookies and all


I know it’s sunday, but everyday is day to make a good deed


